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Open Reading Group

Studying primarily means one thing: a lot of reading. However, especially with difficult and lengthy academic texts, this is easier said than done. And not everyone finds it easy to develop this crucial activity as a habit.

In our open reading group, we collectively create the necessary framework for it. Your benefits:

  • Structured sessions with focused reading periods and breaks help you stay on task rather than avoiding it.
  • The weekly rhythm supports developing reading as a habit, continuously gaining confidence and experience, and gradually reducing the barrier to doing so.
  • Once a month, we delve into different reading behaviors, techniques, and attitudes toward reading in academia through small insights, thereby strengthening your skills.

The reading group is free, non-binding, and open to all students and doctoral candidates.

Time: Tuesdays, 3 pm to 6 pm
Location: Office of the Writing Center, Schellingstraße 3, RG R157/158 (straight through the hall to the rear building, up the stairs, and left behind the glass door)
Please arrive on time! If you arrive late, please enter quietly to avoid disturbing others' concentration.