Writing Center

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For Faculty

Writing skills are vital for sucess while studying. However, these skills are usually taken as a given, they are seldom actually taught. The integration of writing into teaching aids the development of students' writing skills—and leads to better papers.

The Writing Center supports teachers in questions regarding writing didactics and the integration of writing into teaching. Among others from the participation in the Multiplication Project and a poll (pdf, 106 kB) taken in 2017 on the integration of writing into teaching the Writing Center developed a number of service offers for teachers and the method collection (pdf, 14MB). Apart, we offer trainings for peer tutors and writing fellows

We gladly provide you with flyers and posters for your students or visit your class to acquaint your students with the Writing Centers.

We are looking forward to your inquiry: schreibzentrum@lrz.uni-muenchen.de.
