Peer Tutor Training
Our Writing Peer Tutors are not only able to support their peers with their writing projects, but can also learn a lot about their own writing process, how writing works in general, and how they can approach their writing projects in a more focussed and organised manner.
The TutorPlus-Certificate for Writing Peer Tutors builds a foundation for employment in various institutions focussing on didactic writing – such as the Writing Center – as well as in the private sector. Since excellent writing skills are a necessity in almost every profession, it is worthwhile to invest in them early on.
Content and Structure
During the basic training, tutors go through the practical semester (Module 2) as part of a mentoring agreement. They perform various tasks which introduce them to the central tasks of a university's Writing Center: Writing consultation and workshops addressing different aspects of academic writing.
Module 1: Training Days
During the course tutors are introduced to applied writing sciences, learn the basics of didactics (methods, media, and more) and receive voice training. They also train their ability to give and receive peer-feedback and play through difficult situations that might occur during writing consultations. Apart from that, they also learn about subject-specific differences in academic writing by analysing and comparing the differences in style and structure of best-practise texts from different faculties.
Module 2: Practical Semester
After actively participating in the training course, each tutor is assigned a mentor (one of the Writing Center's experienced Peer Tutors).
Additionally, there is an interim reflection and exchange of experiences (120min) at the beginning of the second half of the semester, attended by the trainers as supervisors and the mentor.
The tracking slip includes the following elements:
- Observation of 4 writing consultations, each max. 45min (individual/open consultation)
- Giving 4 writing consultations, each max. 45min (individual/open consultation), two consultations are also attended by your mentor and include feedback
- Participation in 2 workshops offered by the writing centre (either Friday Workshops or special occasions)
- Giving a workshop (90min) attended by your mentor and followed by feedback
All tasks have to be reflected on in written form and combined into a portfolio to conclude the training.
Module 3: Conclusion
The training concludes with a written and oral task: The oral part is a supervised writing consultation (30min) followed by feedback from your mentor and supervisor. The written part consists of the portfolio of reflections documenting the tracking slip tasks. This portfolio has to be supplemented by a final report of either 5 pages in which the supervisor gives you feedback.
After tutors successfully finished their training we issue a TutorPlus-Certificate for Writing Peer Tutors in cooperation with PROFiL.