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Dr. Simon Halama

Faculty 12, Institute for Near Asian Archeology

Further Information

Since 2016 Simon Halama is Scientific Researcher at the Institute for Near Asian Archeology at LMU. Before, he was at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg where he completed his doctoral thesis in 2013 with the topic "Eisenzeitliche Paläste in Westsyrien und Libanon: Repräsentation von Herrschaft mit architektonischen Mitteln". His research concerns old oriental sculptures, architecture, and cities.

Different theoretical and methodological approaches play a big role for hin in researching as well as in teaching. In 2018 he obtained the Hochschulzertifikat Lehre der bayerischen Universitäten. Since October 2018 he is doing further training to become a writing consultant at the Academy of academic Training in Freiburg. He is at the Writing Center at LMU since 2019.

Focus in consultation: dissertations, theses