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Luis Schäfer

Luis Schäfer

Fak 13, Dep. I, International Doctoral Program "Philology. Practices of pre-modern cultures, global perspectives and future concepts"


Further Information

Since October 2021, Luis Schäfer is doing his PhD in the Internationalen Doktoranden Kolleg (IDK) Philologie. Praktiken vormoderner Kulturen, globale Perspektiven und Zukunftskonzepte (Elitenetzwerk Bayern) in German Medieval Studies. His research focus is on translation as a philological and cultural practice on the example of the antique novel. Before beginning his PhD, he studied at LMU (German, Latin, Spanish and German as a Second Language to become a teacher) and worked as a peer tutor at the Writing Center. Ever since, he is especially interested in adapting traditional didactical concepts and methods developed for school to the context of universities, and analyzing the structure and argumentation of academic texts from a rhetorical angle on the one hand, and an (empirical) text linguistic from the other.

Detailled information on the website of the IDK Philologie.